Kink & Leather Contestant Application

About This Form

Use this form to apply as a contestant in the Mid-South Kink & Leather Contest.

Before You Begin, please read the Contest Rules

Once your application is submitted, a member of our team will review your application and reach out by email or phone if more information is needed to process your entry.

Hanky Color Codes

Hanky Color Codes

Kink & Leather Contestant Application

"*" indicates required fields

Competing as either:*
Legal Name:*

Have you ever:

Been arrested, indicted or convicted of a Felony crime (or equivalent) or a crime involving fraud, deception, or other criminal activity?*
Appeared in any pornographic photos, films or videos?*
I consent to a criminal background check of my legal name for the sole purpose of entering the Contest System.*
Hanky Colors
Add hanky colors and sides worn on below. Use (+) or (-) to add or remove colors.
Hanky Color
Left or Right side?
(max 200 words; if you exceed the maximum, only the first 200 words will be used)
Submit a recent, clear facial photograph for the contest program and Facebook. Format - jpg or .tiff file at 300 dpi resolution.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, heic, tiff, Max. file size: 50 MB, Max. files: 3.

    Terms & Conditions

    Contest Rules and Regulations*
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.