HOIST Run Additional Guest Registration
Run Cocktail Party Host Sign Up
Sign up to host a cocktail party during HOIST’s Pig Weekend and unite fellow members for hearty drinks and spirited camaraderie. Strengthen bonds as you revel in the thrill of the Pig Weekend and create memories that last a lifetime.
Hoist Run Checkout
Kink & Leather Contestant Application
Use this form to apply as a contestant in the Mid-South Kink & Leather Contest. Before You Begin, please read the Contest Rules Once your application is submitted, a member of our team will review your application and reach out by email or phone if more information is needed to process your entry. Hanky Color […]
A core part of HOIST’s mission is charitable giving. We frequently donate both our time and money to other non-profit organizations that serve our local community. HOIST raises money at monthly club nights and other special events throughout the year, in order help us to continue to function as a club that offers educational, social, […]
HOIST Run Registration
Application for Pig Weekend / HOIST Run
Membership Application
HOIST Men of Leather & Fetish, Memphis; Application for Membership.